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Authorities, Boards & Commissions
Authorities Board
In the past, several authorities were created to finance and supervise construction projects or to finance research and development enterprises.
Board of Health
The Board provides advice on all health-related legislation and policies intended to prevent the introduction and spread of infectious or contagious diseases and such other rules and regulations which are deemed necessary to preserve the public health.
Borough Water Authority
The State College Borough Water Authority was established by Council in 1940 and charged with the responsibility of acquiring, maintaining and improving a water distribution system.
CDBG Citizens' Advisory Committee
The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Citizens' Advisory Committee was established to provide a focal point for citizen participation in developing the annual CDBG budget.
Centre Region ABCs
In the Centre Region, The Borough also has representatives on authorities, boards, commissions, and organizations.
Civil Service Commission
The Commission has the power to prescribe, amend and enforce rules and regulations governing police appointments and promotions.
Community Oversight Board
The Community Oversight Board was created in 2021 by the State College Borough Council (Ordinance 2146) to provide oversight of the SCPD to help ensure that everyone who lives, works, studies in, or visits State College may live safely and experience equitable treatment in their interactions with the police.
Community Oversight Board (COB) Study Committee
Ad Hoc Community Oversight Board Study Committee shall have as its charge, at a minimum providing Borough Council one or more Community Oversight Board models for consideration with the strengths, barriers and limitations of each model(s).
Design Review Board
The Design Review Board advises the Borough Council on matters pertaining to design.
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Plaza Committee
Historical Architectural Review Board (HARB)
In December 2017, State College Borough Council passed Ordinance 2104 which created a Historical Architectural Review Board (HARB), to oversee regulated activities within the Holmes Foster/Highlands and College Heights historic districts.
Human Relations Commission
The Human Relations Commission was established in 2008. The Commission was created to hear and adjudicate complaints filed in relation to the Anti-Discrimination Ordinance.
LGBTQ Matters Advisory Commission
In 2017, State College Council established the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) Advisory Committee to advise the Borough on LGBTQ matters.
Mental Health Task Force
Planning Commission
The Planning Commission reviews and comments on Comprehensive Plan issues.
Racial Equity Advisory Commission
Real Estate Advisory Committee
The Real Estate Advisory Committee (REAC) was established in 2015 to assist staff and the Redevelopment Authority with assessing the viability of purchases to promote the Housing Investment Program (HIP).
Redevelopment Authority
The Urban Redevelopment Law was created by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania so that re-planning and redevelopment of certain areas will promote the general public health, safety, convenience and welfare of citizens and the community as a whole.
Rental Housing Revocation Appeal Board
The Board was created in 1996 to hear and adjudicate appeals from decisions made by the Manager with respect to the revocation of rental housing permits.
Transportation Commission
The Transportation Commission makes recommendations on parking strategies and facilities, and rates for both on- and off-street parking. The Commission is also charged with recommending programs that encourage and accommodate the use of alternative transportation as well as parking demand management.
Tree Commission
The Tree Commission's mission is to support and promote the vitality, integrity, and extent of State College's Urban Forest. Acknowledging their major contribution to the livability of our city, the Tree Commission intends to augment the number and variety of our trees, protect their health, and promote public understanding of the major role trees play in our community.
Zoning Hearing Board
The Board is responsible for hearing and deciding appeals where it is alleged that the Zoning Office has erred in applying or interpreting regulations, hearing and making decisions on special exceptions, and authorizing variances from the terms of the Zoning Ordinance, as permitted by the Municipalities Planning Code.
ABC Vacancies
ABC Vacancies