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Financial Services
Temporary Retail Dealers
If you want to conduct a business from a stationary location on a temporary basis in State College Borough, you must first obtain a Temporary Retail Dealers (TRD) license.
The Operating Budget is a numerical reflection of the Borough's goals and objectives for the year. Each year an operating budget is produced in accordance with Section 904 of the Charter.
Capital Improvement Plan (CIP)
The five-year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) is a collection of projects that meet the threshold of cost and scope established for the Capital Budget. Generally, the CIP includes only those items having a value of $25,000 or higher and an estimated life of six years or longer.
Annual Audit
An independent audit is conducted every year in accordance with the standards applicable to financial audits contained in Government Auditing Standards, issued by the Comptroller General of the United States. This audit is conducted for the purpose of forming opinions on the financial statements that collectively comprise the Borough's financial statements as a whole.
Financial Trend Monitoring Report
The Financial Trend Monitoring Report is an analysis of the governments financial condition or the government's ability to maintain existing service levels, withstand local and regional economic disruptions and meet the demands of natural growth, decline and change. The report presents the Borough's financial trend data for 10 years.
Quarterly Financial Reports
Review the Quarterly Financial Reports.
DCED Annual Financial Report
This page contains the annual Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) financial reports filed by the Borough
IDA Audit
View the audit of the financial statements of the State College Borough Industrial and Commercial Development Authority (Authority) Administrative Fund.
Pension Compliance Reports
Peruse the Audits and Compliance Forms for the Borough's General Government Employee and Police Pension Plans.
Act 13 Report
Under Act 13, the Borough must submit an Unconventional Gas Well Fund Usage Report each year and document the report on their website.
Liquid Fuels Audits
This page lists the audits completed by the Pennsylvania Auditor General of Liquid Fuels expenditures and annual reports.
Firemen's Relief Audit
Biennial audit of the Firemen's Relief Association of State College
Vendor Payments